Reinforced Soil Walls and Slope Reinforcement
Lantis / Texion Geosynthetics NV
Stadsbader NV
Arcadis NV /Lantis
The Oosterweel Link project is a new 15km-long motorway connection developed by Lantis for completing the Antwerp ring road R1 (Belgium). It is a major project in Belgium and its design started in the 1990s to find a solution to the congestion problems in and around Antwerp. The total estimated cost of the project is approximately €4.5bn. The Antwerp ring road is a key part of the Trans-European Transport (TEN-T) Core Network. Maccaferri collaborated with the design and building of the Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) walls with its main product family „Terramesh“. This is a well-known system used in Europe and in the rest of the world to support or enable the construction of infrastructures in tight urban corridors, forming retaining walls, road embankments, wing walls and bridge abutments known as Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil-Integrated Bridge Systems (GRS-IBS). „Terramesh“ double twist steel wire mesh reinforcements have been used in combination with ParaLink® and Paragrid® geogrids representing an evolution and a significant advantage for both cost-effectiveness and performance. The project includes 15.000 facing sqm of „Terramesh Green®“, 14.000 facing sqm of „Terramesh Mineral® and System® and 5.000 facing sqm of gabion cladding. During 2020, 6.000 sqm of MSE walls have been already installed with a maximum height of 6.5m for the structures erected so far. The Terramesh products can be either with a stone mineral facing or a green facing, according to the architectural plan: in Oosterweel for architectural reasons, most of the structures present a stone facia.
Maccaferri´s Corporate Technical Department has supported and is still supporting the main designers step by step from the first preliminary Global and Internal stability checks with Limit Equilibrium Method (LEM) analyses carried out with MacStars Software to Finite Element Method (FEM) deformation analyses due to the strict restrictions on displacements. Maccaferri provided the designers with all material properties for correct modelling.
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马克菲尔高强面板格宾是一种双绞“DT”金属丝网容器,尺寸可变,均匀划分为内部单元,与其他类似单元互连,并在项目现场填充石头,形成灵活、可渗透的整体结构,如质量重力墙、用于岩土、水力和侵蚀控制项目的通道衬里、护岸和堰。 马克菲尔格宾箱体由优质钢丝制成。与众不同的是可制造更厚View
马克菲尔 Terramesh® 系列包括用于建造机械稳定土 (MSE) 结构和加固土坡 (RSS) 的不同面层选项。 加筋格宾由双绞合金属网(网孔规格8X10)构成,可就地随时组装。面板及盖板是一块连续的网板,无需现场切割操作。 Terramesh® 装置由优质钢丝和聚合物涂层 (PolimaView